Art by Blossoms

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


Art by Blossoms

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


I use cold pressed 100% cotton paper and watercolors (primarily, Daniel Smith’s mineral paints and homemade paint). I while I like to experiment, I primarily use a combination of wet-wet and dry-wet applications. Additionally, I use a water-based adhesive to apply gold leaf. Originals and prints are packaged with 100% recycled and compostable materials. I think the most unique aspect of my art is the demonstration of a learning process. Most evident in the mushrooms I tend to paint, there is tangible growth in each painting - a progression from one piece to the next. I invite viewers to share in that experience with me by showing not only the stages of a piece but also the paintings I consider to be failures. I believe someone still figuring themselves out is a unique species of vulnerability

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339 6 1/2 Street SW


Blake Bottoms
Blake is a non-binary artist and poet who hopes to turn their passions into others’ joy


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