Sweet Creek Herbal

Face, Body and Room Sprays


Sprays are a big part of my business. There are two different distinct sprays. The toner sprays are left over distillate waters after making an essential oil. The aromatherapy sprays are made using essential oils and distilled water. Since I do not use polysorbates nor eo modifiers in making these sprays going for an all natural and known effects kind of product, the aromatherapy sprays need to be shook upon each use. The toner sprays do not. These sprays include a strongly deodorizing spray, pet spray, facial toners, colognes, body sprays, and room spritzers.


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Sweet Creek Herbal

Nashville, TN


Producer Boutique Facial Spray Facial Toner Toner Sprays Deodorant Sprays Room Sprays Deodorizing Sprays Pet Spray Body Sprays Cologne