It's Plush!

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

Davidson County, TN

It's Plush!

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


At It’s Plush we care about you… the whole you. For this reason, we exist to serve Love and Life, naturally.

Hi, I’m SJ and I will be the first to admit that skincare is so… well, limited. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE all things beauty but struggled to find brands that served me. After years of battling skin sensitivities and being let down by over-the-counter products, I embarked on a journey to create less toxic, natural skincare solutions that met my needs without compromising my wants. Health-conscious does not have to mean lacking plushness! I could have my cake and eat it too. Or, in this case, I could naturally look and smell fabulous. It would go against all that I am to keep such goodness to myself.

The journey was as organic as my products. Layer upon layer of personal experiences paved the way for It’s Plush. From managing the beauty care area of a major fashion and beauty company to teaching a course on cosmetic chemistry to having a background in public health and fitness - the sum total of these pieces yielded a brand that serves humanity by encouraging hope and healing.

At It’s Plush, our emphasis is on natural and non-toxic bodycare. Simply put, we strive to always go beyond the surface level. In addition to non-harm causing skincare products that make you equally look and feel amazing, we offer relaxation tools and wellness initiatives that serve the fullness of who you are. We all need to woosah every now and again; every layer of who we are is worthy of attention. With It’s Plush, you are met with the chance to calm your spirit, relax your mind, and honor your body daily.

Programs and Partners


Nashville, TN


Shatiqua Jamerson


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