Sandy Creek Farm


Howard County MO 65250

Sandy Creek Farm



Family owned farm specializing in fruit production. We grow cherries, peaches, pears, apples, blueberries, pecans, persimmons, paw paws and plums. We added an apiary to the farm and tend several Layens hives of honeybees.

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Franklin, MO


Randy & Ronda Thiessen
The Thiessens have been farming at this location since 1992. During that time, the farming operation has included goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks, beef cattle, dairy cattle and an occassional horse. Currently, they specialize in growing fruit both cultivated and wild from the woods on the farm. Ronda recently added beekeeping to the list of things she enjoys. The wild caught bees living in the Layens hives seem happy and are producing a crop of honey.

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