Doud orchards


Miami County IN 46926

Doud orchards



We are a family run orchard store and farm. We want to provide the best quality fruits and vegetables to our community! We also network with local small farms to sell their products in our store along with homemade goods we make on site. We are well known for our Apple cider which is pressed here on site also! Our orchard has been in business 127 years!

Programs and Partners

Production Practices

Integrated Pest Management Perennial Crops


Denver, IN


Sarah driscoll
We strive for excellent products and excellent customer service. We expect and demonstrate that hard work pays off. In managing I practice much patience and being organized helps me tremendously. I want our staff to feel at home but run it like it’s their own business! We want everyone that works for us to feel like family and they are treated the same!! Many hands make light work especially if we can all work together and they are a part of growing our business into something wonderful for our local
Communities. I am all about networking....


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