Raggedy Bags

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

Wayne County, MI

Raggedy Bags

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


Raggedy Bags was founded in 2014. Raggedy Bags was became a reality because I love to create my own things. I don't believe in normal or perfect. Every Raggedy Bag thing I create is flawed in some form or fashion as we all are.

After suffering and surviving a ruptured brain aneurysm, making my bags has been my therapy and have helped me heal not only from the physical but also the emotional and has helped me to embrace and love myself as I am and not as the world has decided we should be. Yes I am flawed in so many ways but I am beauty as God has intended me to be. My therapy has become something I decided to share my with the world starting here in Detroit. I like using recycled denim, leather and suede as well as new unused materials.

Why Raggedy? Because everything and everyone are different, unique, flawed and still so so beautiful put together or raggedy. Nothing and no one is perfect and I want my bags to say I am raggedy, I am beautiful and I am here.

What makes Raggedy Bags so unique? Their randomness. When I create a Raggedy Bag most often there is no pattern or plan. I create as I go. When someone purchases a Raggedy Bag it is the only one of its kind. Yes, there may be others in that particular shape but every single bag is put together differently and has its own unique shapes and pieces. Your Raggedy Bag Is yours and yours alone.

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Westland, MI


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