Luxe Skin Therapy

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

Wayne County, MI 48221

Luxe Skin Therapy

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


Luxe Skin Therapy - Skincare based on the Alchemy of Precious Elements. Whats in Luxe Skin?: The History of Precious Minerals in Cosmetics & Medicine

The age-old concept of using precious minerals for beauty and medicine is an ancient practice that has been around for over 5000 years or more.

After harvesting, miners would pound gold and silver for hours until it formed into flat sheets (known as leaves), later to be grinded into a powder, or flakes for direct application on skin. The leaves were also used as an additive in medicinal antidotes.

​Producing precious minerals in liquid form, involved the extraction of particles through intense heat conducted through gold and silver in water, producing a serum. A serum known today as Colloidal Minerals.

Ancient Egyptians were the pioneers in what we know today as COSMETICS & MEDICINE, as these products were crafted by hand and served many medicinal uses, as well as beauty applications.

​Eye shadow was crafted by taking precious minerals of amethyst, hematite, lapis, and other colorful gemstones and pounding it into a powder, as eyeliner was crafted from black kohl to outline the eyes.

​Egyptian royals used colloidal gold as a healing elixir for both mental clarity, and skin rejuvenation, as colloidal gold was known for its humectant properties when applied to the skin, and when ingested, improving brain circulation and function.

Meanwhile, across the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, their neighbors, the ancient Greeks and romans were extracting silver minerals and using it for its bacterial properties.

​Milk and perishables were being stored in silver canisters and containers treated with the colloidal mineral to prevent food spoilage. The tonic was also used for immune conditions, such as colds and other ailments, along with its topical application to treat blemishes and other bacterial problems associated with the skin.

​It was known for these two cultural groups to trade and exchange knowledge, and it is that KNOWLEDGE that serves as the foundation of LUXE skin therapies Mission: “ To provide holistic skincare, enriched with ancient medicinal Alchemy, free from parabens, process and chemicals.”

Within our line of precious, intensive products, may you find the LUXE Skin Therapy, that fits your skins PERFECT needs. - Scheherazade, Founder & CEO

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Production Practices

Free of Synthetics, Sulfates & Parabens | Vegan | Cruelty Free |


Detroit, MI

Suite #216 - Student Center/ Marygrove College


Scheherazade Berry-Huff
Scheherazade Berry Huff is the Alchemist behind Luxe Skin Therapy, creating a line of products that originally starting in her kitchen to treat psoriasis, a skin condition that she suffered from, after having battled bouts of auto-immune related skin illinesses from the use of pharmicuetical medications. Looking for products to treat her skin deemed a challege, as many cosmetic and skincare lines only catered to medical applications or commercial.

After years of formulation and self application, she creating a line that combines the stanards of luxury spa line cosmeceuticals with holsitic medicinal application, utilizing the sciences of precious colloidal minerals, formulating a line based on the Alchemy of Precious Elements of Colloidal Silver & Gold Minerals.

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