Shoreline Salmon


Washtenaw County, MI 48176

Shoreline Salmon



We are a small team based between Pelican, Alaska and Detroit, MI that aims to bring sustainable hook-and-line caught wild salmon to the Midwest. It is important to us that customers in Michigan have access to an Alaskan brand they can trust, which is why we love the conversations we are able to have with shoppers at Eastern Market about our fishing practices and why we handle our salmon the way we do.

Programs and Partners

Production Practices

We catch our salmon one-by-one to ensure the highest quality of product.


Saline, MI


Marie, Keith, Joe, Mark & Susan
Marie (Rose), Keith, & Joe are the co-owners of Shoreline Wild Salmon. They frequently bounce between Alaska and Detroit and each play a role in the fishing/handing of their salmon. Joe is the fisherman, who is out on the coast of Alaska fishing for months on end. Marie works on the boat at times, but her role is mainly to offload Joe's fish and sort/grade it before it is processed and sent to Michigan. Keith helps offload the fish, too, as well as maintaining the equipment that produces ice for the fishing boats in the fleet.

What are our Michigan roots, you might wonder? Marie grew up in Battle Creek and is a Michigan State Alumni. She moved to Alaska just days after her college graduation. Once she found herself working in the fishing industry, she was determined to find a way to bring their top quality wild salmon back to her home state for her family and friends to enjoy. Mark and Susan are Marie's parents, who live in Saline. You will see them at the market often, as they help us staff our Saturdays at Eastern Market when we are in the midst of our fishing season up in Alaska.


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