Tempered Coffee

Specialty Food Artisan

, VA

Tempered Coffee

Specialty Food Artisan


We are two coffee obsessed individuals who are trying to solve the problem in their own lives of enjoying good coffee in hard places with little waste. Hard places include camping trips, bad coffee at work, Saturday mornings on the soccer field, travel, hotels, music venues, and many more.

We found that current disposable single serve coffee options are some combination of weak flavor, bad flavor, complicated to use, or generate too much plastic waste. With the goal of re-creating an immersion coffee experience (similar to French press), we decided to build a product utilizing the pouch method. After much iteration with different materials and recipes, we landed on a combination that delivered on this goal, while providing an end product that is compostable. With the Tempered Coffee method, the coffee grinds have the opportunity to soak in the water as it brews. This allows the rich flavors and oils to release into the cup, producing an exceptional cup of coffee. Our pouches can also be used to make delicious cold brew in addition to hot coffee.

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Richmond, VA


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