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Day of Week Vendor Fees

How to configure automated pricing that can be specific to the day of week. If you run your market more than one day a week, and charge vendors differently based on the day, this article is for you.

To better support markets that want automatic invoicing for vendors and run on multiple days a week with different vendor fees for each day, Farmspread offers a day-of-the-week pricing configuration. To setup day-of-the-week pricing, login to Marketspread. Then, click the Dashboard icon at the top right. Select Event Configuration -> Events in the left-hand toolbar and either select a pre-existing event or create a new one. If you are configuring pricing on a pre-existing event, select the "Other Fees" tab and click on the blue pencil icon.


Farmspread supports day-of-the-week pricing for Vendor Type Fees, Vendor Tag Fees and Product Category Fees. For an in-depth explanation of each of these fee configurations please see our Configuring Vendor Fee guide linked in the top right section of your market dashboard.

To configure a day-of-week fee click one of the +Add <Type,Tag,Category> fee buttons at the bottom left of the corresponding fee section.

In the example below we created a Vendor Type Fee. Note that the fee is set for the vendor type Farmer and is $100. Under the Applies to: section you can see that this fee applies to any day of the week as they are all selected. With this configuration, anytime you assign a stall in Scheduler for a vendor of type Farmer, Farmspread will know to create an invoice for $100 - regardless of which day of the week it is.



In the case that you have a market that runs on more than one day a week, and the vendor fee changes based on the day, you can create two entries for the same Vendor Type. In the example below we created two entries for Farmer, one for Wednesday at $100 and one for Sunday at $150. With this configuration, Marketspread will automatically create an invoice for your Farmer vendors for $100 when you assign them to any stall on a Wednesday and $150 when you assign them to any stall on a Sunday.



With day-of-the-week pricing you can configure almost any Vendor Type and day-of-the week price combination. For example below we added another entry for Food Truck that applies to both Wednesday and Sunday at $200.



The examples in this article demostrate day-of-the-week vendor pricing for Vendor Type Fees, but the same applies to Vendor Tag and Product Category fees as well.