Feature Friday - Dynamic Distribution Lists with Messenger

Feature Friday - Dynamic Distribution Lists with Messenger

May 18, 2018

Farmspread Messenger is a great, modern option for market managers and vendors who want to be able to send group email and/or SMS text messages with ease. While we could go on and on about Messenger's support for bi-directional SMS Texting, rich HTML email and automatically generated sign-up flyers, today we are here to discuss its support for distribution lists via tags!

Farmspread Messenger is unique in that it uses a modern tag based system to dynamically and easily create distribution lists. To create a list of contacts that you want to message, go to Farmspread Messenger and click on the Distribution List button.



This will present you with your complete list of contacts. Remember, if you are a market manager all vendors are automatically included and are not counted against your plan's contacts.



To filter your view, simply click on any of the tags in the Tags column. Purple tags are ones that you created, green tags are automatically created by Farmspread. Each one you select will show up in the Filters column and automaticlly trim down the list. For example, below we selected the Meat and Dairy tags to refine our view to only those contacts.



To add a new contact to your master list click the Add Contact button at the top of the distribution list.



Then fill out the contact form. Below we added two custom tags customer and wholesale.



Now that you understand how to view and add to your master contact list, let's see how to dynamically create a distribution list. For instance, let's say we had a large amount of a product that we were going to sell at a market and we wanted to do a targeted marketing campaign to our wholesale customers. Simply go to Messenger and click Compose.


In this case we are going to send an SMS text to all our wholesale customers.



To preview the list of contacts the message will be sent to before we actually send it we can click the green Review recipients link.



Another good example is if you wanted to send an email to all your accepted vendors. In this case just select the Accepted tag.


Targeting distribution lists in Farmspread is as easy as that, no longer do you have to maintain mulitple, independent lists that can get cumbersome and hard to maintain. Just take your contacts and generate lists on the fly!

We are proud to continue to innovate on behalf of our users and partners. If you have any questions or comments please email us at [email protected].